26 October 2011

Thoughts on Twilight Vampires

Okay, so the "Twilight" series has its serious issues, not gonna lie. The plot, the character development, the exploitation of minor boys' abs - the list goes on, and I'm not going to debate all that.

What I don't get is why some Christians shun it on the basis that "vampires are blood-sucking demons," but they're okay with Wolverine, Superman, Spiderman, Mary Poppins, and a host of other supernatural characters. All these other superheros have special powers, weaknesses, and things they'd die or kill for.

I'm not saying everyone should read the "Twilight" series. I'm just saying that if you don't read them because you think that vampires are demons, you shouldn't read/watch any other stories where the main characters have supernatural abilities and odd weaknesses.

I also don't get why people shun it because "Edward and Bella have an unhealthy relationship." Ummm...ever read "Wuthering Heights"? "Romeo and Juliet"? "Jane Eyre"?

If you don't read "Twilight" because you don't want to read about an 18-yr-old falling in love with a brooding older man (or a selfish 17-yr-old), you'd have to rule out about half of the classic novels and plays kids read in school and college these days.

So...yeah. Feel free to commence throwing things.

This post has been brought to you by "Twilight" on cable television.

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