02 April 2011

February and March reads

I only finished one book in February, so it was hardly worth making a post for.

February: This Much I Know by Wally Lamb

Then in March, I kind of got on a Ted Dekker kick and read:
Thunder of Heaven by Ted Dekker
Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker
Burn by Ted Dekker and Erin Healey

Also, I read
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

And, of course, I couldn't forget Moby Dick. I got really far in February and kind of slacked off in March, but here are my current stats:
Pages in book: 654
Pages read: 158
If I have to read 54.5 pages per month, I should be at 164, so I'm more on target than I was in January, for sure.
The thing that makes Moby Dick so hard to read, is the narrator is suuuuuuper introspective and detail-oriented, and he thinks that we care about his thoughts and surroundings as much as he does. Here is what has actually happened in the first 158 pages: Ishmael meets Queequeg. They get on a boat.

BUT, I have knocked another book off of my "unread books" count on my shelf. Treasure Island makes the count 9, and I'm working on three others.

February/March recommendation: Thunder of Heaven, with Treasure Island as a close second.

What about you? Anything you read in the past couple of months that you want to share?


amber colleen said...

I'm working my way through the 100 Cupboards series by N.D. Wilson. He is without a doubt one of my favorite writers. Reading the second book in the series made me want to sit down and write, that's how good it was. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! I started to read Treasure Island when I was home with the flu. I probably only read 5 pages, but they were enjoyable. :)

Vicki Heilbronn said...

soooo, I was reading a online comic book the other day, and I came across this and just thought of you :)

(go to page 10!!)
