31 January 2011

January Reads

The Girl Who Played with Fire - Stiegg Larsson
She's Come Undone - Wally Lamb
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth - Jeff Kinney
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Catching FireSuzanne Collins
MockingjaySuzanne Collins
Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd - Holly Black and Cecil Castelluci, eds.

January recommendation: The Hunger Games trilogy I lost sleep, shirked responsibility, and shunned people. I dreamed about it, worried about the characters, and basically got too emotionally invested - that doesn't happen as much these days as it used to when I was, say, 12. I recommend the series to people 15 and up, with the warning that it's kind of violent (but not nearly as violent as I was led to believe).

Unread books count:
Correction: I actually had 10 unread books at the start of January; I forgot to count my partially-read "Entire Works of Edgar Allen Poe."

And I've decided to read Moby Dick this year, even if it's just a few pages at a time. My current stats:
Pages in book (not including glossary and back matter): 654
Pages read before 2011: can't remember, I lost my place in 2009.
Pages read in January: 34
I figured that I have to read 54.5 pages a month to be done, so I have a pretty lousy start. (Especially since, in all honesty, the book starts on page 27.)

What did you read in January? Anything you recommend?

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