26 December 2011

Eleven things I learned in '11

11. No one likes it when you say something negative about their home state, but Georgians reeeeallllly don't like it.

10. Defining your dream is half the battle to achieving it.

9. Brandy snifters make excellent centerpieces.

8. A large part of me is home in Oklahoma, even though I've never lived there.

7. Nothing can prepare you for the emotional impact of moving to a natural disaster-destroyed town.

6. Nothing except travel can prepare you for travel.

5. Not all the single guys my age are fat, bald, and desperate (only about half of them are).

4. It's not so much novels that I'm addicted to, as the art of story-telling; watching entire seasons of television shows is equally rewarding on that level.

3. The phrase "location independent" is something I am going to start using regularly.

2. Living in a hotel is AWESOME.

1. Making your dreams come true is bloody hard work, mate. And in the end, it's God that makes it all happen anyway.


Anonymous said...

You are so wise. Tomi

Anonymous said...

You are one very brave and determined woman! Phyllis K

Krystal said...

I desperately desired to "like" several of these comments. You have learned some very valuable lessons this year, love! Proud of not only your determination and achievements, but also of your wise reflections on them. <3


Jessica said...

4. Really good TV (especially if on DVD) should be almost like a really good book. Although I find myself drawn to "not as structurally perfect but darn likable" shows right now.

2. So maybe I shouldn't be asking if you found an apartment yet, but if you know when you have to move. :-)

Rehtaeh said...

ooohhh - I like the term "location independent!" That resonates with me!