01 September 2010

Our New House

So now that the house is pretty much put together, I thought I'd share some photos. :-)

But before we get to pics of the house, I wanted to show you these. We moved over 2000 books, not including my 350-ish.

Okay, now to the house.

We have a red door! It makes me happy.

We also have three floors. Here is the basement, with my room...

...my bathroom...
...and my dad's study.

I call this his "smart wall" because it makes him seem smart and scholarly.

Here is the main floor, with the furniture-less living room...

...the dining room...


...family room...

...and guest bathroom.

And here is the top floor, with the master bathroom (note the earring holder I designed for my mom)...

...the master bedroom (my parents found their dream four-poster bed on craigslist last week)...

...my sister's room (which she's planning to redecorate as soon as she can afford it)...

...and the boys' room.

We also have a nice big, shady backyard; but I don't have any good pics of it.

So far, I'm still looking for a job; but I have a few applications out, and I hope it won't be long before I land in that perfect job with great co-workers, perfect hours, and pleasant customers. (Okay, so I'm dreaming a bit.)


Jessica said...

Okay, that house is very, very awesome! Your room looks great, too!

Evie Poythress said...

I love all the book shelves. :-)